Thursday, 25 February 2016

our p.e

Today for p.e we done non-stop cricket. We done 2 games the 1st one muddled up(boys and girls) and the 2nd one were boys against girls;we did not find out the scores. Here are some of the photos we took.

Identity Collage

In class we have been learning and making a collage of what makes us unique as well as our identity.Obviously we all had different ones. First we took a photo on our side,Then once it was printed we leaned up against a window and drawed the out line, now it was the messy part we cut out bits from the magazine and glued it on. Then you cut it out. This is the one i made.

Friday, 19 February 2016

our new hats

at our assembly today we got some new hats for school

fruity food tec

food technology
In food tec we were with Miss Bassett and made fruit kebabs. we learnt that if you look at your presentation it doesn't have to have to always be a pattern.As you can see in the photo below they weren't all a pattern.

Thursday, 18 February 2016

Cyber safety
W.A.L.T.understand how what you say online affects others.
We created a word art of how patty felt when she was bullied at a talent show. these are all the feelings i thought she felt. these are just some of the words:angry,depressed,grey,helpless....