Thursday, 27 October 2016

Writers journal

Today we had to write a piece of writing into our writers journal(That we made last week). What we do is Miss Fisher puts up 2 starters and we pick 1 and do free writing with that as the start. Here is mine:

27/10 It was just a game to them, but to me it was the world. They don’t know what it is like being like this, I mean they just challenged a homeless kid on the road; me, to a game of basketball and of course won. They know tricks like things I don’t even know the name of.

And like anything we had a bet, the most embarrassing bet of all, embarrassment. Something no one should ever have to go through. And then me just stumped myself on the ground waiting and wishing my parents would come home soon enough.

People are walking out of shops as stuffed and a turkey, then me as skinny as a well homeless person with no parents. As no one gives a hoop about me, well like one or two dollars I get a day, and yes I’m so grateful for that. Then out of nowhere the best but oddest thing happens to me, no one else but me.

This is not based on a true story.
Last weeks:
11/10 The lights went out. The lights went out, at the wrong time of course, at the time of danger, misfortune, completely unplanned. It wouldn’t have been anyone in my part or would it? No one knew why and there was screaming and shouting, like nothing I have ever heard before. We were in a crisis, a burglary sort of thing. Like at the bank sort of; but we… were in… the airport.

3 men were shouting at us, but we could not see; anyone, anything, it was completely pitch black. This is when someone grabbed me by the wrist dragged me out, “Shh” they whispered; it sounded like… like... my brother. But I lost him a few minutes before the lights went out, how did he know it was me and not one of those men yelling, howling at us to shut up or simply just the wrong person?

When we got out we were surrounded by policemen asking why and how we got out, we had no idea what to say apart from oh yeah there are people in there fearing for their lives. One police man whispered to another then another then everyone was whispering and it must have been about us and what we said because then they ran in while we were shoved into an ambulance.

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